There’s a story in today’s Mmegi (online, at least – I haven’t seen a paper edition) about discussions between the Botswana Chamber of Mines (a NGO representing various mining operations in the country) and City of Francistown Council about the possibility of disposing of chemical waste at Francistown landfill (aka Dumela Landfill as it is at the Dumela industrial area).
Chamber of Mines to utilise F/town landfill
FRANCISTOWN:Botswana Chamber of Mines (BCM) has indicated that plans are underway to use the Francistown City Council (FCC) Dumela landfill to dispose of chemicals used by its members.
The motivation for this is that the mines generate a variety of hazardous waste that is difficult to dispose of as there are few properly constructed landfill sites in Botswana.
From what I know Francistown landfill site is properly constructed: it has stormwater containment ponds, impermeable linings under the waste cells, incineration facilities and so on.
The concern is how well it is being managed.
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