Forging An Iron Croptop (1 hour workout)

Just discovered a cracking combination from that can be done in about an hour (assuming a certain basic level of fitness/competency).

  1. Crop Top Workout (2:30-3:00 per set and 2:00 rest – 15 minutes or so to complete)
  2. Upperbody Forge (as long as it takes, use kettlebells in unbalanced positions for extra credit)
  3. Iron Maiden (5:30-7:00 per set and 2:00 rest – 27 minutes or so for 3 sets)

Mine looked something like this:

Heart rate during Darebee circuits comprising Croptop Workout, Upperbody Forge and Iron Maiden.
Heart rate during Darebee circuits comprising Croptop Workout, Upperbody Forge and Iron Maiden.

The Iron Maiden is tough, try visualising any problems in your life while doing the punches and knee to the groin movements…